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Meatball Fondue

Meatball Fondue

Need something a little bit different for your party?  Look no further than our delicious and super easy Meatball Fondue appetizer!  Simply grab your favorite meat balls in store and serve with a Montana Mex sauce selection!  Or, if you want to dive in and make your own meatballs here is our Chef Eduardo's recipe!


Mexican Meatballs
By Chef Eduardo Garcia
Serves 8


  • 1 pound - Grass-fed Ground Beef, thawed
  • 1 tablespoons Montana Mex Avocado Oil
  • 3 teaspoons - Montana Mex Sweet Seasoning 
  • 2.5 teaspoons - Montana Mex Mild Chile Seasoning
  • 2 teaspoons - Montana Mex Jalapeño Seasoning
  • 1- egg, lightly beaten
  1. Mix all ingredients until well combined. 
  2. Form into tablespoon sized meatballs (roughly 20 meatballs). 
  3. Pan Fry with Montana Mex Avocado oil over med/hi heat until cooked, approx. 3 min. 
  4. Serve hot with you favorite Montana Mex dipping sauces and seasonings!

Roll the mix into tablespoon sized meatballs

Heat the Avocado oil to med/hi

Serve the meatballs hot with Montana Mex sauces!


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